• 1800 572 5501
  • info@brilliko.com

Brilliko Program In Angular JS

The Web Development course at Brilliko Institute of Multimedia includes a focus on AngularJS, a popular JavaScript framework for building dynamic, single-page web applications. Students will learn the core concepts of AngularJS, including directives, controllers, and services, and how to use them to create modular and maintainable code. The course covers two-way data binding, dependency injection, and the use of templates to streamline development. By the end of the course, students will have practical experience in building robust, scalable web applications with AngularJS, equipped with the knowledge to handle both front-end development and integrate with back-end services.

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Software Covered

Introduction to Angular JS
Angular JS Setup
Angular JS MVC Architecture
Angular JS Directives
Controllers, DataBinding
Angular JS Modules
Angular JS $Scope service
Angular JS Services
Angular JS Filters
Angular JS Tables
Angular JS Forms
Angular JS Events
Angular JS SQL
Angular JS Include
Angular JS Routing
Angular JS Animation
Angular JS Dependency Injection